Seriously, I made that monstrosity up there. And I know how there are a few of you out there who like me, or at least tolerate me, so would somebody be so kind as to create a banner for me please? All I ask is that it's colourful. :D
So, what else is news? Shit all, that's what. It's school holidays, I'm not going away or anything interesting. I guess it's just 14 hour days on Newgrounds for two weeks. Sigh. Anyone have any suggestions on something I could do?
I'm making more NG-friends as of late. I think that's mostly because of Stickam or something. I'm sure it'll help me out in the long run. Like yesterday, I made a topic, it got flamed, and some of my e-buddies helped me out! Thanks guys! If you don't have any e-friends, get some.
I was really hoping to go see Bo Burnham this month because he's in Melbourne, but I have to be over 18. Motherfucker. I was so upset when I found out.
I have a new picture. That one over there. I never take new photos of myself, but that night I was feeling uncharacteristically pretty, so, there you have it. If you're gonna comment on it, please keep it positive. I have enough self image problems as it is.
So there you have it lovelies, yet another boring installment of my life. You think it's dull? Yeah, well I have to live it.
Here is a picture of me and my friends at school. We thought we all looked super sexy in our lab coats so we took a picture. Hur hur.
Would you like me to make you a header
I would, if you wouldn't mind too much. :D